Urban X-pressions (UX) aired on Channel 48 WGTW in 1992, created by Ed Brunson, son of station owner Dorothy Brunson. It was a live Hip Hop, R&B and Reggae music line up with an on set DJ, one of the only live TV shows on broadcast television at the time. The nature of the filming of the show allowed touring artists such as LL Cool J, and Ja Rule to circulate freely on set, contributing to the real atmosphere UX brought to television. The original hosts of UX were Ed Box and Roz, who would take callers’ requests to determine which videos they would play. (UX) Howard Gilliam, Jr. has been the Director and Editor since day one. Howard Gilliam is the visual genius behind the content that hits the air. . In 1997, UX updated its format from a live show to a live, on-location one. A segment was added called “Urban Infomercials,” in which the UX team visited small businesses and shot live promotions for them on location. UX also held a contest to find a new segment host. While he was not UX’s first pick, Keith “fromupdablock,” who had been chosen as an alternate, was called to fill in one day and has been a UX host ever since. At that time UX also introduced the very popular segment “Word on the Street,” produced by Shelly Williams, with and on-air personalities Keith “fromupdablock,” SCOE, Monie and Shelly Shell. In 1998, Williams, who had been an intern at Urban X-pressions when it was first created, founded X-pressions, Incorporated, a non-profit mentoring and community outreach group for at-risk youth and young adults. The organization’s focus is providing structured programs and events to engage youth and keep them off the streets. Early on, X-pressions, Inc. partnered with Concerned Black Men to produce a teen talk segment that traveled to schools to speak to youth about teen issues.