The Next generation of what? Urban X-pressions, Philadelphia’s longest-running music video show and a staple in the community, originally aired on broadcast television from 1992-2013. It now lives on via the web and in the hearts of many. The Show’s Executive Producer, Shelly Shell Williams, has decided to create a new series featuring the next generation, the children of the original cast, embarking on the mission of Building a Legacy.

Urban X-pressions, The Next Generation, in August 2019, launched the Back-to-School Fashion & Talent Show, hosted by the youth. The Fashion featured the following fashions:

Ambicito by Harper
Kizzy’s Designs & Apparel, LLC
Diomo King & Queen
Modern Society
The Hanan Project
Hustle Junkies
This event kicked off the ongoing activities for the youth throughout the year.

Donations may be made via cash app $Phillysoprah you can make a charitable contribution to support the show and the incredible non-profit organizations we support. Cash donations are fully tax deductible! X-pressions, Inc.