Wanda Walker, a frustrated Community leader tired of pay-to-play politics that denigrates and decimates black and brown communities, decided to make a community ballot. The politically corrupt faction in Philadelphia are often people who hold political positions in their own communities, like committee people and ward leaders, who often benefit financially for endorsing candidates that can pay over quality candidates with experience and integrity they know would be better for the community.
Selling the city to the highest bidders has black-and-brown children dying at record numbers in Philadelphia and generational wealth being stolen and lost through systematic political gentrification designed to force black and brown seniors homeowners and small landlords owners to sell.
One community leader/block captain got other community leaders to help and was able to convince quality candidates to meet and interview for a chance to be a part of an informed, trustworthy ballot printed in 2-3 community papers for the entire city to apply on E-day; May 16, 2023.
A special thanks to:
Yolanda Taylor, Tina Collins, and Tom, owner of Julz Bar and Grill, 7719 Crittenden St.